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Math Worksheets Q & A

  1. Why do my worksheets look strange?
    It is a browser problem. We do not support Microsoft Internet Explorer. We support Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Amazon Silk. You can download these browsers from their download websites as long as your operating system can run these web browsers.

  2. What is my benefit to use this website?
    Leap2003 provides worksheets for young students to practice their skill. We are not a tutorial website. Students need to learn the math calculation from their teachers. After they learn the operation, they need to practice their skill. This is when Leap2003 can help. We provide unlimited worksheets based on the student's self-paced progress. Without practice, the skill they learn will be forgotten and become fuzzy. Eventually, students will feel frustrated and give up.

  3. Why can't I enter the numbers from right to left as my kid is doing on a paper?
    Writing down the number from the right most digit to the left is a Learning approach. At the beginning of learning, students always need to write down the first digit, then the second. When they are familiar with the calculations, they will choose to do it from left to right. Our solution to this issue is to let user print the worksheet. After the student finishes the worksheet on paper, he/she can enter it into the computer. The server side program will check the answer and other things to determine the next step of practice. A progressive practice is very important to the student who is at the learning stage.

  4. Can I change my kid's worksheet level?
    Yes, you can change the worksheet level at any time. However, we only recommend the change between easy and hard. You should not change the level from addition/subtraction to multiplication or division, then, later on, change it back to addition/subtraction. Jump change will not help your kid at all. Following our pre-designed steps will be most effective. Do not share the account among the kids. Leap2003 records the progress of your child. If you share the account, Leap2003 will not be able to help you properly.

  5. Where can I pay the subscription?
    If you are an individual user, you can use your email address to log in. After you log in, you will see the administraion page. On the left side of the page, there is an orange color button. Click the button to pay your subscription. If you are a group account administrator, log in with your administrator account "Username". You can click "Renew All" or "Renew Selected" on the left side lower part of the screen to pay all accounts or individual account.

  6. What is Administrator account?
    Administrator account is a management account. It does not have worksheets. Through the administrator account, administrator can change member user's worksheet level, view worksheet reports, and renew subscription. If you have 5 or less students, you don't need to setup the administrator account. The purpose of administrator account from Leap2003's position is to provide you a discount rate.